Display – English

生花大作:春(八重桜、ビバーナム、芍薬、他) 高さ2m 夏(満天星、スモークツリー、シュロ、他)高さ3.5m

生花大作:秋(紅葉、櫨、他) 高さ3.5m 冬(ストリングカーテン、雲龍柳、他) 高さ4.2m

Decorations with flowers in season offer the best hospitality.

Large-seize arrangements with fresh flowers:
We purchase the finest flowers, branches, and foraged materials of the day at markets, and cut them one by one for water-raising. Delivering the materials and vases to event sites, we arrange the flowers checking the actual light, the background colors, and the air conditioning. We will be happy to produce high-quality seasonal presentations. (from 120,000 yen per 10 square meters, including delivery costs)


Flower Design Works

Spatial designing

After hearing your general image, backgrounds, concept, budget and timings, we will make rough sketches and quotations. At your official request, we will purchase materials such as fresh flowers, artificial flowers, preservedflowers and others goods of fine quality. Our decorators will visit the appointed site for decoration, in both Japan and abroad. 






Spice up the party! :新しい出会いに彩りを添えて

Rental arrangements with artificial flowers

Seasonal decorations

Decorating arrangements of various seasonal colours can create fresh atmosphere in each season. 

